
boat lifted with davit master boat davit

Boat Davits

Why buy a Boat Davit from just anyone? Come to Davit Master.

So what's a boat owner to do when faced with restricted storage conditions such as no pilings allowed, seawalls only or very shallow water? Boat Davits are the ideal solution.

Boat Davits can be a very economical alternative to standard boat lifts, plus they're easy to install. Davit Master uses rectangular tubing in our Boat Davits making them much stronger than the typical I-beam models when it comes to horizontal and twisting loads. Each Davit Master Boat Davit is hot-dipped galvanized and outfitted with rust resistant fittings to hang tough. Choose a manual or electric winch. Install a power pivot winch option for hassle-free inboarding.

Boat Davits for every application.

Not sure which of our Boat Davits is right for you? Give us a call and one of our experts will help you make the perfect selection from the following options:

Seawall Mount Davits - Our seawall mounted Boat Davit features a flat plate to concrete pad mount and lifts up to 8000 pounds. For added protection and easy maintenance, the seawall mounted davit with machined rollers rotates up to 360 degrees to make inboarding a cinch.

Dock Mount Davits - For crafts up to 1,000 pounds, our boat Dock Lift features a flat plate to dock mount. Make life simple both in and out of the water thanks to 360 degree rotation.

Pile Mount Boat Davits - Davit Master's pile mounted Boat Davit wraps directly onto the piling to powerfully hoist up to 4,000 pounds.

Model Capacity One Capacity Pair Winch Reach Height Cable Cable Rigging
P 600 600 800 Manual, Belt Drive 3' - 9" 6' - 3" 3/16" x 20' 1-Part
B 1850 1850 2500 Manual, Belt Drive, Direct Drive 5'- 5" 8'- 0" 1/4" x 38' 2-Part
B 4000 4000 5000 Manual, Direct Drive 6' - 6" 8' - 6" 1/4" x 38' 2-Part
B 6500 6500 9000 Direct Drive 7' - 3" 9' - 3" 5/16" x 50' 3-Part
B 8000 8000 11000 Direct Drive 8' - 6" 10' - 3" 5/16" x 50' 3-Part
  • All welded design for strength and durability
  • Hot-dipped galvanized steel for long life and low maintenance
  • Rugged restangular tube design provides superior lateral and vertical strength
  • Machined rollers provide smooth rotation
  • Galvanized seel cable is strong and durable
  • Aluminum sheaves with stainless steel bolts with grease fittings
  • Comprehensive warranty
  • Electric or manual winch
  • Power Pivot for lift models : B 4000 - B 8000
  • Custom Reach & Height sizes
  • Wireless remote control system
  • Faster motor
  • Motor and winch cover
  • Comprehensive warranty
Model Capacity One Capacity Pair Winch Reach Height Cable Cable Rigging
P 600 600 800 Manual, Belt Drive 3' - 9' 6' - 3' 3/16" x 20' 1-Part
B 1000 1000 1400 Manual, Belt Drive, Direct Drive 4'- 11' 7'- 3' 1/4" x 20' 1-Part
B 1850 1850 2500 Manual, Belt Drive, Direct Drive 5'- 5' 8'- 0' 1/4" x 38' 2-Part
B 4000 4000 4000 Manual, Direct Drive 6' - 6' 8' - 6' 1/4" x 38' 2-Part
  • All welded design for strength and durability
  • Hot-dipped galvanized steel for long life and low maintenance
  • Rugged restangular tube design provides superior lateral and vertical strength
  • Machined rollers provide smooth rotation
  • Galvanized seel cable is strong and durable
  • Aluminum sheaves with stainless steel bolts with grease fittings
  • Comprehensive warranty
  • Electric or manual winch
  • Wireless remote control system
  • Special mount for square concrete pilings
  • Faster motor
  • Motor and winch cover
  • Comprehensive warranty
Model Capacity One Capacity Pair Winch Reach Height Cable Cable Rigging
P 600 600 800 Manual, Belt Drive 3' - 9' 6' - 3' 3/16" x 20' 1-Part
B 1000 1000 1000 Manual, Belt Drive, Direct Drive 4'- 11' 7'- 3' 1/4" x 20' 1-Part
  • All welded design for strength and durability
  • Hot-dipped galvanized steel for long life and low maintenance
  • Rugged restangular tube design provides superior lateral and vertical strength
  • Machined rollers provide smooth rotation
  • Galvanized seel cable is strong and durable
  • Aluminum sheaves with stainless steel bolts with grease fittings
  • Comprehensive warranty
  • Electric or manual winch
  • Wireless remote control system
  • Special mount for square concrete pilings
  • Faster motor
  • Motor and winch cover
  • Comprehensive warranty
  • 3 models. DE-30 (3000 lb. cap.) DE-40 (4000 lb. Cap.) DE-50 (5000 lb. cap.)
  • Each winch is gear driven for smooth, quiet operation
  • Stainless steel motors for longer life and low maintenance
  • Require minimum maintenance – non-corrosive parts, factory sealed motor and gearbox
  • Comes complete with a weather-resistant, momentary reversing switch and GFCI protected power cord.
  • The mounting plate is made of heavy duty 3/8” steel plate and hot-dipped galvanized for long life & low maintenance.
  • Available Options: Faster motors, Winch Covers and Wireless Remote Controls
  • Available for Models: P-600, B-1000 and B-1850
  • Each winch includes a 12" gear powered by an AO Smith motor on a 1/4" powder coated steel plate with plastic cover
  • Includes weather tight switch and GFCI protected power cord. 110V ac.
  • Available Option: Wireless remote control system

Power Pivot Winches provide automated in-boarding. In-boarding your boat for hull and prop maintenance or safety under adverse weather conditions has always been a feature of our Seawall Mount Davits with their reliable, smooth-turning pivoting base design. Enclosed motor protected from the elements. Speed reducer and direct drive/chain drive provide a safe, smooth operation.

  • Available for Davit Models B-1000 through B-10,000 installed in concrete behind a seawall. May be installed on new, existing or other brands of seawall mounted davits.
  • Comes complete with a weather resistant, momentary switch and GFCI protected power cord. Available 110V or 22pV AC.
  • Enclosed motor is protected from the elements.
  • Custom bases and mounting support brackets available.
  • An optional wireless remote control system simplifies the in-boarding process.
  • Note: The B-8000 and B-10,000 models are not recommended for pivoting boats weighing 11,000 pounds or greater
  • Unlock both davits and actuate the Power Pivot.
  • As stern davit moves in, bow davit will follow, moving toward the centerline of the boat.
  • When bow davit reaches centerline of boat, stop motor. If needed, give bow davit a hand assist past centerline.
  • When boat is completely in-boarded, stop motor and lock both davit arms.

Call 1-800-878-5560 today for the best selection of Boat Davits.